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Manuscript Description
USA, New York, NY, Columbia University, Rare Book and Manuscript Library MS Plimpton 263
Title:De Proprietatibus Rerum
Author:Trevisa's translation of Bartholomeus
Contents:Part 1: De Proprietatibus Rerum, Charter of the Abbey of the Holy Ghost Part 2: Medes of the Masse
Datable:Second quarter fifteenth century
Date Range:1425-1450
Scribal Hands:
Examples of the hand. Click on the link above for full details and images of individual letter forms.

Dialect:Eastern (see Digital Scriptorium description,
No of Folios:Part 1: fols. 1-388
Pagination:Modern pencil, upper outer corners recto, 1-390
Catchwords:By scribe, running up to right frame line, several words, fine-line scroll around them
Page Size:550 x 390
Frame:4 x vertical enclosing the two columns, 4 x horizontal enclosing top and bottom lines, ruled within columns, fine gray lines
Marginal Headings:Rubric chapter headings and chapter numbers. Headings are by the scribe, squeezed into space left for them, sometimes extending into margins.
Running Titles:Rubric running titles, 'Liber' on verso pages and number on recto pages.
Borders:Illuminated bar borders in blue, pink orange-red and gold. Full bar border on fol. 9 at the beginning of the text. Other books begin with similar borders.
Illuminated Initials:Champ initials in blue, pink orange-red and gold; 6-line illuminated initial on fol. 9 at the beginning of the text. Other books begin with similar initials.
Paragraph Marks:Blue paraphs
Flourished Initials:3-line blue initials with red penwork
Other Names (not owners):Sir M. Willoughby, Lord Middleton of Wollaton Hall; George A. Plimpton (1855-1936).
Miscellaneous Info:Part 1 = fols. 1-388, with De Proprietatibus on fols. 1-379 followed by Charter of the Abbey of the Holy Ghost, fols. 379v-386r by the same hand and decorator. Part 2, Medes of the Masse, fols. 389v-390v.
Further Information:Details for this description taken from photograph and from description on Digital Scriptorium website at Note that this MS served as the copy text for the editio princeps.
Centre for Medieval Studies, University of York, King's Manor, York YO1 7EP